

I realize that anyone that isn't here in Alabama near me probably doesn't have any idea how I went from apparently recovering back in October to being a hospitalized bed-bound invalid in 6 seemingly endless (but realistically, short) months.

Well, in October, I was being treated by a medical genius at UAB with heavy-dose Prednisone and IVIGg. Symptoms were decreasing, life was looking good again and I thought that this particular trial was over. Boy was I wrong. I thought that when I went back to see Dr. Genius in December, he would notice my improvements and I could begin coming off the steroids...

Well, imagine my surprise when he told me that he would plan to taper off the Prednisone over the next 18 months! In my estimation, this was unacceptable. I mean, I'm not a complainer or anything, but Prednisone is horrible, horrible stuff. I only agreed to take it in the first place because I thought it was a short-term help. Not only does it carry awful hormonal side effects, but truly physical ones as well.

I went back to seeing my family practice doctor who agreed to help me dose off the Prednisone and see where that left me....that fateful decision, whether the right or wrong choice at the time started the journey I've been taking since January.

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