

In accordance with deciding to come off of the prednisone, and feeling like I was running out of options, I decided to turn to alternative medicine.

I began seeing a Dr. Frankness who diagnosed by problems as mostly emotional-based. He said something about trauma or a traumatic experience in my past causing my body to malfunction. I only saw him for a couple weeks before (for financial reasons) switching to another chiropractor/kinesiologist in the area who has been successful working with some friends of mine. Dr. Niceness was just absolutely sure that my problem stemmed mainly from Adrenal Stress Disorder.

Wow. We finally had a name. No one in the medical profession had been able to tell us anything except to call my symptoms dysautonomic neuropathy (which didn't explain anything). I was absolutely elated. You can't imagine how good it felt, after 6 months of not-knowing-ness, to have someone tell me what the problem was.

Okay--prognosis--up to a year of supplementation and dieting and just waiting for the body to heal itself. I dove in hard-core. I was on about 15 supplements a day and this really restrictive diet: no dairy, no wheat, no preservatives, no red meat or seafood, no white flour, no yeast, no salt, no sweeteners, etc. I was only allowed to eat things like fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, and rice. Without seasonings. Not too bad, you think? Well, not bad for a couple weeks, but when you begin dragging it out over 9 or 10 weeks...it got old real fast. But I was valiant.

Somewhere about 4 weeks after seeing Dr. Niceness, I had been off of the Prednisone for 2 weeks when I got too weak to work...again. The company wasn't happy, of course, but Dr. Niceness assured me that my body would heal if I could just rest and give it time. So I took a leave of absence from work to allow myself to heal and I waited.

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