

9 months. 35 doctors. 15 weeks sick leave. Prednisone. PICC line. 2 weeks hospitalization. 3 weeks treatment in Tijuana. Extreme supplementation and dieting. Natural medicine. Modern medicine. Kinesiology. Iridology. Struggle. No strength. Wheelchair-bound. Bed-ridden. Complete invalid. No improvement. No diagnosis.

Last 3 days. Hospital. 11 Doctors. 4 MRIs. EMG (4th in 7 months). Spinal tap. 20 vials of blood. Pulmonary exam. Eye exam. Bedpans and Catheters. Steroids. Plasma. 7 IV starts resulting in 2 active IVs, 3 infiltrated veins, and lots of bruising=pincushion. All tests normal. No idea. Hell. Hope. Despair. Faith. Transfer on Friday to The Mayo Clinic.

Family. Love. Sacrifice. Unity. Fierce Loyalty. Pure Faith.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I may feel a fraction of what Job did. The bright side of it all is that God must have faith in my faith...and that brings peace.

"...art thou greater than He?" D&C 121 ...No, I'm not.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." Psalms 121:1

1 comment:

  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Keep up the faith. You are an inspiration to all.
